Padlet as an exit ticket - students share what they know and have questions about

Padlet can provide your students with a place to share what they know about a topic as well as what questions they still have.

As always, you have the option to require students to put their name on the ticket. I did not require names in my example (just an FYI). Below are the steps I used to create the Padlet.

  • I created a Padlet and selected Grid. 
  • Changed my title and added a description
  • Chose my wallpaper (remember you can choose your own)
  • Selected the profanity filter on as well as Comments and Reactions (area for students to state that they had the same question, that they could help the student, as well as like the post)
  • Kept the Padlet as Secret and selected next
  • I then grabbed the Padlet URL and embedded it in my Google Site so it is easy to fin.
Embedded below is a 1 minute and 39 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,
