Flipgrid shares 10 great tips on how to introduce the site to your students - especially for the camera shy.

This post created by Flipgrid back in December of 2017 shares how to introduce Flipgrid to your students and how to build confidence as they share their voice.

To access the post click here.

There are 10 ideas they discuss in detail when you click on their post.

  1. Start simple
  2. Share yourself as an educator recording
  3. Record with a Buddy, Group or with Family Members
  4. Record Something Else!
  5. Interview a Friend 
  6. Create Paper Slides Videos
  7. Use Puppets or Masks
  8. Create a screencast
  9. Moderate Topics
  10. Appsmash!

Just a reminder before using Flipgrid - remember to get permission from families.
Click here for the PDF.

Take care!
