Want to create your own memes? Try imgflip.com
If you would like to know how to create your own meme (picture with a funny or motivational caption) one option is to try the website imgflip.com.
You will not need to sign-up to use the site (although signing up is easy and stores your creations). Just know that a watermark (bottom left) will show up unless you pay the $3 a month charge.
Here is a meme I created last night of my son finishing some popcorn!
In the embedded 1 minute and 31 second YouTube video below I walk you through the basics of how to create one from a template as well as your own.
Take care,
You will not need to sign-up to use the site (although signing up is easy and stores your creations). Just know that a watermark (bottom left) will show up unless you pay the $3 a month charge.
Here is a meme I created last night of my son finishing some popcorn!
In the embedded 1 minute and 31 second YouTube video below I walk you through the basics of how to create one from a template as well as your own.
Take care,
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