How to sign up for Epic! and have access to 25,000+ books on any device for children 12 and under

If you would like to have access to over 25,000 books available to on any deviceto children 12 and under try Epic!

Epic! is free for educators; however, for families it is $7.99 (unless you get a referral by a teacher in which case it is $5.99 a month). Please note you have 30 days to try it for free.

In order for families to have access at home (after school hours) families would need to sign-up for an account.
The free educator version is for use in the classroom or school library only. For use at home, students should be using the home version of Epic!. This is due to our Terms of Service and our contracts with publishers.

In order to sign up you will need to follow the instructions on the site. If you are a teacher make sure you enter all information necessary so your school will be verified.

For more information please click here for educator resources as well as a a quick start guide.

Embedded below is a 1 minute and 14 second YouTube tutorial I created.

Take care,
