Change the specific time for when you want your Google Slides presentation to advance

If you have a Google Slides presentation that you would like to Auto-advance at a time other than Google's defaults, simply change the number at the end of the published presentation.

In the example below I will be publishing the presentation to every 3 seconds (default) to every 20 seconds.

  • File - Publish to the Web
  • Select Publish
  • Copy the Url
  • Change the ending number from 3000 (3 seconds) to 20000 (20 seconds) vMYm7oSZsFOqzZQ_4fpR6x-mj8wN0MRmzyfLMDF1ZL/pub? start=false&loop=false&delayms= 3000 3000 CHANGE TO 20000

Thank you to my friend Layla Lyons for telling me about this trick!

Embedded below is a 1 minute YouTube tutorial.

Take care,
