
Showing posts from October, 2016

Use an add-on to be notified when someone fills out your Google Form

Add an annotation to your YouTube video

On an iPhone and want to quickly adjust the brightness of your flashlight?

How to embed a YouTube video in PowerPoint

Google Docs to Word

Awesome site for pre-K to 5th grade -

Best way to start your day with a fun routine - try Scholastic's Daily Starters

Use a form and an add-on to keep track of students checking out and checking in tech

Use a Google form for students to sign out books in your classroom library

On a Chromebook - want to caps lock using a shortcut?

Improvement to Google voice typing

Want to quickly rename a file you are working on in Google Drive?

Readability Grader - great for finding readability level of an online article

iOS10 Widgets - how to edit them

Need to calculate a tip quickly?

Google Chrome & Lego - put constructions all over the world!

Want to see a graph of how "popular" any words used in books were between 1800-2008?

Want to share your Google Form for others to use?

It is Cyber Security Month - Google's 2 minute security checkup

Have an iPhone and want to send balloons or fireworks in your text?

Want to open a specific set of page or pages when you startup on Google Chrome?

How to level books in your library or find books of an appropriate reading level with an App.

Want to publish a file in Google and publish it to the Web?

Want a free "for a year" Science resource that can inspire students to love science?

GAFE Accounts now known as G Suite for Education

Want to give directions or recap a lesson with a Star Wars like scrolling feature?

Want to quickly get to the Chrome Web Store to add an extension?

How to make sure PDFs always open using Adobe on Windows 10

Issues with PDFs displaying on Windows 10? Try changing the default browser.

Happy October - fun pumpkin activity

5 Dice - great free App for order of operations